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Personalized Face Mask Youth

Personalized Face Mask Youth

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Availability: In stock


These three-layer face masks feature a 100% polyester outer shell that follows CDC recommendations for cloth facial coverings. The face mask is reversible and can be decorated on either side. The adjustable ear pieces are made with polyester material. These masks are machine washable and quick drying. Hang dry or tumble on low heat. This face mask includes two ear piece slides to adjust to a smaller size. NOTE: Face masks are non-medical grade and non-returnable. *****Please do not put text too close to edges*****
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    Image upload and customization tips:

    1. Take time to go through quick instruction & video tutorial to learn how to use our "Upload & customization tool".
    2. If your uploaded image is not properly centered & filling the customization area, your product will be printed with white border.
    3. Use the Customization tool to see how your image is centered and wraps around completely.
    4. Use image opacity option & preview tab to verify that your image is centered and no text is being cut off.
    5. We do not alter or crop images. What you see on your preview is what auto generates as final production ready image.
    6. Our Image upload & customization tool is using latest version of Java code. If you notice customization tool or preview generated making your image distorted, then update your browser, clear cache, update Java, restart your browser & try again. Still having problem? Please contact our customer service so our tech department can schedule a screen share meeting with you to troubleshoot.
    7. If you have downloaded our “Print Ready Image Template” (available for download at bottom of this page) & prepared your prepared your Print image, please do not select “Upload and Customize” radio button to upload these files, instead use the “Direct Upload” method (2nd radio button) to upload these type of files.

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